Guerrilla marketing is a marketing strategy that elicits surprise and wonder from audiences because it uses unconventional approaches to attract and convince buyers.

Guerrilla marketing strategies can skyrocket your brand’s sales. This article will teach you everything you need to know about creating and successfully executing this form of marketing.

What Is Guerrilla Marketing?

The term guerrilla marketing was coined by the late business writer and advertising executive Jay Conrad Levinson, who popularized the marketing strategy in several of his published books. Good guerrilla marketing ideas involve promoting a product or service using unconventional methods to attract interested buyers after the element of surprise has been evoked in their minds.

Guerrilla marketing is also known as buzz marketing because the main objective is to draw attention and create buzz. This marketing tactic usually comes at a low cost to the company but can create awareness and skyrocket your sales. 

Unlike traditional marketing campaigns, a guerrilla marketing campaign promotes a brand using billboards, radio, and TV. It involves human interaction in busy areas and centers of cities, where the impact can be mostly felt through word of mouth and cascaded to social media platforms for increased publicity and conversions

However, as with everything, there’s ethical and unethical guerrilla marketing. For example, astroturfing marketing is the practice of manipulating public discourse, especially in the digital world. This gives an illusion of organic interest. Avoid these strategies, as they can impact your reputation and rarely lead to sustained growth.

Below, you will find eight great guerilla marketing ideas that will help you boost your brand recognition the right way.

#1 Begin With Understanding Your Target Audience

To execute effective guerrilla marketing campaigns that drive massive sales, your marketing team first needs to understand your target audience. This will guide you in crafting a resonating and impactful campaign that achieves your business objectives.

To understand your target market, you need to conduct thorough market research, define your buyer personas, analyze consumer behavior and trends, and create your own digital marketing strategy based on those findings.

Below, we cover each step in detail.

Conduct Market Research

You will need to conduct market research before you fully launch your campaign. How do you go about this? First, you will need to organize interviews or surveys through which you can talk to your customers directly to learn what they want.

Ensure you also pay attention to social media to understand what people say about your industry. You can also send people to the streets to see how your audience behaves in real life. Guerrilla marketers should embrace data analytics in this stage to guide subsequent actions.

buying personas

Define Your Buyer Personas

Defining buyer personas entails drawing a vivid picture of your ideal customers. You must create detailed character profiles for the people you want to reach. It can help you know your audience inside and out so you can interact with them in a truly resonating way.

The better you understand them, the easier it is to create guerrilla campaigns that grab their attention and make them feel like your product or service is precisely what they’ve been looking for.

In defining your buyer personas, ask questions such as:

  • Who exactly are you talking to? What do they do? Where do they live? How old are they?
  • What are their goals?
  • What are their challenges and pain points? What problems do they face?
  • What are their hobbies and interests?
  • How do they talk? Do they use casual language, or are they more formal?
  • What influences them? Do they follow celebrities, trends, or insightful opinions?

Answering these questions correctly will help you map out ideal buyer personas that will guide your marketing efforts.

Analyze Consumer Behavior and Trends

You have to keep an eye on people’s actions and trends to enable you to produce campaigns that they will like and engage with. Look for repeated patterns to understand when and how to launch your campaign.

In analyzing consumer behavior and trends, you need to use ecommerce analytics tools in order to track users’ actions online and assess the feedback and reviews you receive. Ensure that you are monitoring the behavior of consumers as they evolve so that you can stay updated.

#2 Use Social Media

Social media can elevate your brand’s campaign. People use social media beyond connecting with friends and family. Your brand personality can go viral and become popular through social media.

Therefore, leveraging social media for your guerilla marketing strategy will benefit you.

Create Shareable Content

One of the most effective ways to grab attention on social media is to make your content shareable. Your campaign must be attractive enough for people to click the share button. 

This is how your content can spread like wildfire and go viral. It’s like planting seeds that grow into a big, colorful garden for your brand.

With stealth marketing (AKA undercover marketing), you can even remove the salesy CTA and make your content seem organic, leading to more interest in your product.

running social media contents

Run Social Media Contests and Giveaways

Contests on social media will draw the attention of prospects and leads who may be converted to loyal customers.

Encourage consumers to participate and share. It’s like turning your guerrilla campaign into a fun and exciting event that everyone wants to be a part of. 

Engaging with Customers and Influencers

Your customers and influencers can help cascade your campaign into a memorable story that is retold over and over again. But that will only happen if you consistently engage with them on social media before, during, and after the campaign.

Partner with influencers who align with your guerrilla campaign strategy and can convert your desired target audience. It’s like getting a friend to vouch for you at the party, making everyone curious about your words.

#3 Create Memorable Experiences

Your campaign’s memorability goes a long way toward its impact. Therefore, you must create memorable experiences that your target audience will find exciting and attractive.

You can host events and pop-up shops, use creative signage and displays, and incorporate gamification and interactivity to achieve this. We will discuss these further below.

Great example: Coca Cola’s happiness machine was an idea that blew up in popularity. Giving their customers random gifts in addition to their orders from the vending machine is a novel campaign that had a massive impact on the company’s branding.

Host Events and Pop-up Shops

Hosting events and pop-up shops in guerrilla marketing is like throwing a surprise party for your brand. It involves creating a unique and immersive experience that captivates your audience.

Ensure you pick a spot with high foot traffic that aligns with your target audience. For pop-up shops, consider areas with trendy or bustling shopping districts. It’s like setting up your surprise party in the middle of where everyone hangs out. You can trust that people will turn up. This will help you build connections with local communities, which is a fantastic grassroots marketing approach. 

Some marketers even utilize event ambush marketing. Ambush marketing relies on arriving at already organized events to promote their own products and services. Event ambush is mostly considered ethical, as long as businesses don’t crash competitors’ events. For example – sporting events.

A personal trainer or hydration brand can arrive at a sporting event and promote themselves to an audience that fits their buyer persona.

Host Events and Pop-up Shops

You should be flexible with the setup. Adapt to the space and surroundings. It’s like being prepared to rearrange the furniture for the best party setup in different locations.

Also, remember to make your pop-up shop mobile. The ability to move to other locations can enhance the element of surprise and help you reach new audiences.

Use Creative Signage and Displays

Design your space to be visually appealing and inviting. Use eye-catching displays, decorations, and signage.

It’s like setting up a party with decorations that draw people in and make them curious.

Incorporate Gamification and Interactivity

Plan activities that encourage interaction. This could include product demos, workshops, or games. Interactive elements are like party games because they make the experience memorable and enjoyable for your target audience.

This is a way to promote your product or service and make sales on the spot.

#4 Maximize Word of Mouth Marketing 

Word of mouth is one of the most effective tactics you can rely on for a successful guerrilla marketing campaign. Maximizing word of mouth in guerrilla marketing is about creating a campaign that sparks genuine enthusiasm and conversation.

It’s like starting a wildfire of excitement that spreads organically, turning your audience into enthusiastic advocates who willingly share your story with others. By maximizing word of mouth, you start a ripple effect, enabling a conversation that spreads far and wide without a big advertising budget.

Here are some guerrilla marketing types of word-of-mouth marketing.

Provide Exceptional Customer Service

To be the talk of the town, you will need to provide exceptional customer support service. This will create an avenue for people to talk about your campaign, leading to increase in sales for your business.

When you treat people well, it motivates them to share your work freely.

Encourage Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Prompting your audience to share their experiences on social media through photos, videos, or reviews is user-generated content that works like fuel for word-of-mouth. It helps to amplify your marketing message through authentic, peer-to-peer communication.

Ensure that you keep an eye on social media and other platforms to monitor conversations about your campaign. When you see positive mentions, amplify them by engaging with users and expressing gratitude. Respond to comments and engage with your audience on social media.

Offer Referral Programs and Incentives

This will draw attention to your brand awareness because it leverages the power of satisfied customers as brand advocates. Unlike traditional advertising, referral programs are often more cost-effective. 

Instead of spending significant resources on broad marketing campaigns, you can allocate resources to reward existing customers for successful referrals. 

This targeted approach minimizes costs while maximizing impact. When people recommend your brand to their friends or family members through your referral programs, you will experience a boost in sales because people are more likely to try a product or service recommended by someone they know.

#5 Partner with Other Businesses

Guerrilla marketing is usually about being prudent with your resources. Partnering with other businesses, therefore, allows you to share marketing expenses. Instead of bearing the entire cost of a campaign, you can split it with your partner, making it more affordable for both parties. 

Partnering with other businesses in guerrilla marketing involves collaborating with like-minded enterprises to share resources, expand reach, and create mutually beneficial promotional activities. This advertising strategy is cost-effective and can yield significant results.

Cross-promote with Complementary Brands

Look for businesses that complement yours. For example, partnering with a fast-food restaurant makes sense if you run a pastry shop

Customers who visit the fast food restaurant might be interested in your products, creating a win-win situation for both businesses.

Collaborate on Events and Marketing Campaigns

Collaborating on events, marketing campaigns, or other business services is one way to partner effectively with other businesses. This could be a co-hosted workshop, a themed promotion, or a shared booth at a local fair.

By joining forces, you share costs and create a more impactful and memorable customer experience.

Build Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures

Forming strategic alliances and joint ventures with other businesses can boost your marketing campaigns and increase sales. Joint ventures can also be a strategic way to enter new markets.

Working together can be more effective if your partner has an established presence in a region where you want to grow. It’s like exploring new territories with a trusted companion. 

Joint ventures and alliances can also help distribute risks. For example, if your business is taking a bold guerrilla marketing approach, your partner can offer support and share the potential risks. You are trying something unconventional, so you’ll need a safety net.

#6 Use Unconventional Advertising

Unconventional advertising in guerrilla marketing involves unexpected, unconventional, and creative marketing approaches to promote a product or service.

This guerrilla marketing strategy idea aims to grab attention, create a buzz, and make a lasting impression without relying on traditional and often costly advertising methods. Experiential marketing like this can truly make a brand stand out from the competition.

Here are some guerrilla marketing techniques to use outdoors.

street art

Street Art and Graffiti

Guerrilla marketing aims to connect with the audience on a personal level. Therefore, it’s only to be expected that unconventional advertising often takes to the city streets, engaging with people in their everyday environments.

With street marketing campaigns, sidewalk art, also known as graffiti, is an unconventional medium through which you can directly interact with your target audience.

Stickers and Flyers

Stickers and flyers operate at the street level, allowing brands to reach their audience in everyday environments. Placing them strategically in high-traffic areas, like lamp posts or community boards, ensures visibility among your target audience. 

Stickers, when designed with creative thinking, can become interactive elements. They can be placed strategically for people to peel off and stick elsewhere, turning consumers into brand ambassadors. Similarly, flyers can include tear-off sections with contact details or discounts, encouraging engagement.

Lastly, stickers and flyers, particularly those with compelling visuals or messages, can go viral, increasing your potential to maximize sales during and after your campaign.

This is also known as ambient marketing.

Guerrilla Billboards and Public Installations

Guerrilla billboards and public installations are impactful elements of outdoor guerrilla marketing, using unconventional and attention-grabbing strategies to convey messages in public spaces. 

Creativity is key in designing guerrilla billboards and installations. Each design must be unique, memorable, and, of course, unconventional. This could involve 3D elements, optical illusions, or interactive components that captivate passersby. 

Effective guerrilla billboards tell a story or convey a message succinctly. Whether through visual cues, clever copywriting, or a combination of both, the goal is to communicate the brand message or promotion compellingly and concisely, inspiring potential customers to take action.

#7 Tap into Influencer Marketing

Tapping into influencer marketing for guerrilla marketing involves collaborating with influential individuals to promote a product or service in unconventional and attention-grabbing ways.

Below, we will review the most popular ones in detail. 

Identify and Engage with Influencers

You’ll need to identify skilled influencers known for their original creativity and relatability in your niche. As you engage with them, ensure that you check their alignment with your brand’s values and target audience, which helps enhance a more authentic connection.

Your influencers must also have followers that are likely to resonate with the unconventional nature of the guerrilla campaign.


Collaborate on Sponsored Content and Campaigns

Guerrilla marketing thrives on surprise and unexpected elements.

Collaborating with influencers for surprise campaigns, where they showcase the guerrilla activity or event to their audience, can generate heightened excitement and curiosity, which can, in turn, drive maximum sales for your business.

Use Influencer Networks and Platforms

Online platforms connect brands with influencers. These platforms streamline the influencer marketing process, making it easier when companies implement guerilla marketing campaigns.

As an ecommerce business owner, you can use influencer platforms to communicate campaign details, objectives, and guidelines. This ensures that influencers understand the goals of the guerrilla marketing campaign and can create content that aligns with the brand’s vision.

Influencer networks and platforms are scalable, allowing you to manage multiple influencer collaborations simultaneously. This scalability works well for guerrilla marketing campaigns that aim for widespread impact through various influencers. 

Leveraging influencer networks and platforms for guerrilla marketing streamlines the collaboration process, provides valuable tools for campaign management, and allows you to tap into a diverse pool of influencers for impactful and unconventional marketing strategies.

#8 Measure and Analyze Results

Measuring and analyzing the results of your guerilla marketing campaign is necessary because it helps you to identify areas for improvement that can inform future strategies.

Let’s see the most important metrics that you need to look for when you’re analyzing your results.

Track Key Performance Metrics (KPIs)

Choose relevant KPIs based on your campaign objectives. Common KPIs for guerrilla marketing include social media engagement, website traffic, conversion rates, brand mentions, and customer feedback.

Each KPI should align with the specific goals you set.


Analyze Customer Data and Feedback

Analyze web traffic data to understand how your guerrilla campaign drives visitors to your website. Track the performance of landing pages, conversion rates, and user segmentation to assess the impact on online interactions and conversions.

Collect direct feedback from your target audience through surveys or direct interactions. Understand their perceptions, reactions, and overall sentiment towards the guerrilla marketing campaign. This qualitative data provides valuable insights.

Make Data-driven Decisions

After collecting feedback and documenting the campaign results, you must assess your performance against industry standards and benchmarks.

Your data-driven decision-making should encompass quantitative and qualitative data to inform, optimize, and measure the success of your marketing strategies.


Guerrilla marketing tactics can help to revamp your sales strategy, helping you create a memorable impact with limited resources. The guerilla marketing tactic not only contributes to increased brand visibility but also has the potential to skyrocket sales by fostering authentic connections and driving meaningful engagement.

This is because the essence of guerrilla marketing lies in its ability to capture attention, engage audiences, and generate buzz through unconventional means.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a guerrilla marketing campaign?

Guerrilla marketing relies on unconventional strategies to promote a product or service. It often involves low-cost, high-impact guerrilla tactics designed to surprise and engage the target audience unexpectedly, creating a memorable and buzzworthy brand presence.

What are some examples of guerrilla marketing?

Some guerrilla marketing examples include flash mob activities, viral marketing social media campaigns, street art, unconventional advertising in unexpected locations, interactive installations, and public stunts. Grassroots campaigns are also a type of guerrilla marketing, where businesses connect with local communities on a more personal level.

Why is it called guerrilla marketing?

The term guerrilla marketing is inspired by guerrilla warfare. It emphasizes the unconventional and surprise tactics used by small, agile forces (in this case small businesses)  to compete with larger, more traditional opponents. Marketing signifies using odd methods to achieve maximum impact with minimal resources.

Are guerrilla marketing campaigns expensive?

Guerrilla marketing is generally not expensive, especially compared to traditional marketing methods. To make your campaign worthwhile and impactful, you only have to focus on creativity, strategic planning, and leveraging unconventional resources.

What are the benefits of guerrilla marketing?

Types of guerrilla marketing benefits include increased brand awareness, customer engagement and satisfaction, budget-friendly approaches, and enhanced sales.